
Organized Simplicity

Do you really need all that stuff, that square footage, that crammed schedule?

Editors asked me to write this first book while I was living cross-culturally, so I shared my thoughts on the western obsession with our Stuff, followed by concocted a ten-day plan to simplify home in the midst of real life.

About the Author

Tsh Oxenreider is the bestselling author of several books, most notably At Home in the World, her travel memoir about her family’s year traveling around the world and living out of backpacks. She’s also a top-ranked podcaster, teacher, and travel guide, and lives in Georgetown, Texas with her husband and three children. She is equally happy putzing around her backyard, snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef with her family, and standing in a chilly line in New York City for cheap Broadway tickets with her teenage daughter.

Connect with Tsh regularly through her fairly fantastic newsletter, The Commonplace.

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