Create Your Rule of Life*
Once it’s written, it becomes a tool to help you make decisions to best order your days.
*Rule of Life (n): A commitment to live your life in a particular way.
St. Benedict
led a monastery in Italy in the 5th & 6th centuries and is known as the father of western monasticism. His well-known Rule of Life fleshed out rules for daily, ordinary life in his monastic community, and 1,500+ years later it’s left us a blueprint we can mimic for our 21st-century modern lives — even if we’re not monks or nuns.
Your Rule of Life
is a document, written by you, that describes the ordinary particulars of your life so that you live congruently with your core purpose: virtue.
The details change as life changes for you, yet it speaks into the core stuff that makes you most human.
your Rule of Life is a tool to help you guide your focus, make decisions, and cultivate habits of virtue.
I designed a self-paced workshop to help you create your own Rule of Life.
(It’s the same way I create my own.)
What’s Included:
1. Seven Audio Sessions:
They unpack the practice, step-by-step (and you can listen to them on repeat, if you want).
2. One Master Audio File:
If you’d like to listen to the entire workshop in one go (downloadable for your convenience).
3. A Printable Guidebook:
To aid you in the entire process of creating your Rule. It includes the workshop transcript, if you prefer to learn and absorb by reading.
You can revisit the workshop again and again!
I personally like to revisit my Rule every birthday and start of a new year.
Create your Rule of Life
$35 — a one-time purchase for unlimited access
A self-paced, meaningful workshop to help you create and update your unique Rule of Life.
“Do not wish to be anything but what you are.”
- St. Francis de Sales
About Your Guide
I’m Tsh Oxenreider — a writer, travel guide, podcaster, and teacher. I’ve written several books with more on the way, and although I love to explore the world, most days I’m at home in central Texas with my family, slowly working on our old fixer-upper, fiddling in the garden, watching the kids from the front porch, or reading.
I was first drawn to the monastic tradition of St. Benedict a few years ago when my family and I traveled around the world for a school year, living out of backpacks. During that year, I was introduced to the ancient monastic practice of writing a Rule of Life and met with a spiritual director to help me unearth my core values and vocation.
I eventually created a workshop to lead people through a similar process, and over the years, I’ve honed the process to teach others to do the same. I’ve tested and tweaked this process for the better part of a decade so that it truly aligns with what we're all made for: a life of virtue.
I hope it blesses you richly.
I’d be honored to help you craft your unique Rule of Life.
$35 for unlimited access
Wait… It’s only 35 dollars?
Yes. I believe a Rule of Life is so paramount to how I make decisions that I want everyone to write one. I know from my life coach training that personalized coaching can be ridiculously expensive — this workshop gives you an affordable tool to whittle down how you can best pursue a life of virtue.
Can I share this with my family?
At this price, kindly one person per account. Thanks.
Will I have it forever and ever?
You’ll have instant access to the workshop for as long as it lives! You can also download files and keep them tucked safely in your own digital storage.
Will I get to interact live with Tsh?
No. This workshop is entirely self-paced, which allows you to work on the process on your own schedule when it’s best for you. This also gives Tsh the opportunity to spend her valuable time according to her own Rule: in-person with her family and friends and doing the work she’s called to do.
Do I have to be a Christian?
No. But please know going in that these principles are rooted in a historic Christian monastic tradition, and the process is based on the belief that we’re all made in the image of God and for a purpose. Yet all people will find value in contemplating their core values and applying them to their lives. There’s no proselytizing whatsoever in this workshop.
Do you offer refunds?
Nope! I spent many hours researching, writing, and testing this method. I think my time is worth what I am charging and I do not offer refunds.
I’m having a tech issue — can you help?
Email us at hi@tshoxenreider.com and we’ll do our best as soon as possible.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Roughly 20-25 miles per hour.