Scriptorium is a semester-long high school elective that explores the art of storytelling.

Taught by a professional writer, Scriptorium helps unlock an adolescent's love for writing and good communication—even if they have no interest in becoming an author.

Why Creative?

Adolescents need to write essays of all sorts — persuasive, expository, descriptive — but sometimes they’ve got creative ideas waiting to be captured. Storytelling is our oldest form of entertainment, so when we do, we join the millions before us who’ve taught us about life through the medium of a good tale. We are made to create. Sometimes that takes the form of a story.

Why Classical?

The long tradition of classical education has emphasized the seeking after of truth, goodness, and beauty and learning from those who’ve gone before us. It’s a path tried and proven for millennia, and we see no reason not to give credence to, as G.K. Chesterton put it, the “democracy of the dead.” It’s through this timeless wisdom that forms an ennobled person who benefits the culture.

Why Salon?

From the 17th to early 20th centuries in Europe, salons were an important place for exchanging ideas. Officially "a gathering of people held by an inspiring host," members aimed to increase their knowledge and participate in convivial conversation. Led socratically by a seasoned adult, salons today provide the just-right scholé environment for mature adolescents who love to learn.

For the 2024 Fall Semester:

Tuesdays in-person from 1:15-2:45 pm

An a la carté class offered in collaboration with Scholé Hall in Georgetown, Texas

Enroll Your Student:

Make a Deposit

Let’s Write!

In Scriptorium, your high school-age student will learn the basics of good story structure and word weaving by practicing the fine art of creative writing.

By participating in the salon, your student will practice the skills of verbal and written storytelling, peer critique and editing, and what it takes to get a story from idea to published paper. They’ll walk away with original writing they can then seek for publication, add to their college transcript and application, or hang with pride on the fridge.

For 9th-12th graders

Possible credit earned through Scriptorium:

  • Composition (1/2 English credit)


  • Creative Writing (1/2 Fine Arts or Elective credit)

…In tandem with Libritus in the spring, a student could earn one full English credit.

Scriptorium’s Cycle

As a fine arts or English elective, each semester Scriptorium will explore various styles of storytelling — gothic, mystery, epic, fable, and more.

For the 2024 fall semester, we’ll explore Bildungsroman and the Hero’s Journey.

- your student may join in at any cycle -

Meet the Teacher

Hi! I'm Tsh Oxenreider, but most students call me Mrs. O. I’ve homeschooled my three teenagers for years (one of whom is already in college), and when I'm not chasing our backyard chickens back into their coop, I'm usually penning my newsletter or next book.

Please note: I teach as a Christian adhering to the historic, universal Christian faith and affirming the Nicene Creed as a faithful summary of the faith, as well as the necessity of Christian unity as Jesus explicitly prayed (John 17:20-23). It should be expected that the teaching in my classes will reflect a Christian worldview, but the only requirements of my students are a good attitude, a willingness to learn, a motivated work ethic, and respect toward others.


  • Students come having done all their work in advance, prepared for a discussion-led class with their peers. Generally speaking, we spend half the class time unpacking and discussing the homework from the week, often sharing some form of their writing. The other half typically includes new content in preparation for the next week's work at home.

  • As an elective, true "homework" in the classic sense is minimal, yet students are expected to participate fully in what's assigned to them. Weekly writing assignments are typically short in order to fully unpack the specific skill lesson emphasized. However, students will get as much out of their writing projects as they are willing to put into them!

  • The books and supply list will be finalized by August 1, 2024. In the meantime, know that supplies are minimal and largely consist of writing utensils, paper of some sort, and a few books (used are great!). Final writing assignments are preferably typed & printed, but it's not essential — laptops or other electronics aren't allowed in class so there's no need for those.

  • A: Signing up for a class with me is a commitment. I offer a penalty-free cancellation for three weeks so students and parents can get a feel for the course. After this, if you decide to transfer, move, or drop the class, you must pay half of the full year’s remaining tuition. Without this policy, I cannot keep smaller classes profitable or beneficial. Thank you for understanding!

  • The unicorn — apparently chosen because of its connection with dominance and chivalry, as well as purity and innocence in Celtic mythology.

  • I’d assume so! Head here for my class rules FAQs, and accommodations policies. (A full handbook will be sent following class enrollment.)

Enroll Your Student in Scriptorium!

Secure their spot with a non-refundable deposit:

Make a Deposit

Full Tuition: $350

*remaining balance paid either in full or monthly (invoice sent in August)

“We turn to stories because they show us who and what and why we are, what is essential, and what, despite the arbitrariness of falling beams, will not burn.”

- Madeleine L’Engle